How can we help you?

What is Addiction?

Addiction refers to being reliant or a persistent need to engage in a certain act or use a substance. This also leads to several areas of your life being affected, such as social, occupational and other important areas. This type of condition can refer to a substance or even behaviour that one struggles to stop even if the goal is to do so. This type of condition can be treated with different types of therapy or treatment to empower a person to overcome the addiction itself. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs.

  Do you possibly Experience?

A persistent need/desire to take a substance or engage in a behaviour?
 Do you find that you may need larger doses to achieve what you desire?
 Do this impact several areas of your life?
What is Anxiety?


Anxiety is a problem several individuals face and may persist thought their lives. Anxiety refers to a sense of being overwhelmed by a situation or some sort of trigger that a person might experience, which may lead to feeling helpless or scared. Anxiety can also affect several areas of a person’s life, such as their social, occupational and other important areas. This condition can also be treated with the use of medication and/or therapy. Tranquility professionals are well equipped to assist you in this process.. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs.


Do you possibly experience?

 Do you find yourself worrying about specific or even general areas of your life that causes a sense of fear or a feeling of being overwhelmed?
 Do you find that this occurs on a relatively regular basis?


What is Bipolar?


Bipolar is a mood disorder that is a combination of both Major depressive disorder and phases of Mania. The degree of depression and Mania may differ, but it is known for the switching between these two phases or significantly high levels of Mania. Bipolar is a disorder that also affects most areas of life, such as social, occupational and other important areas. This disorder can be treated with medication, therapy or both. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


  Do you possibly experience?


Irritable mood and increased goal-orientated energy, where you feel that maybe everyone is holding you back?
Lack of need for sleep? Racing thought of what you want/need to do?
Or even overly talkative compared to your usual self?
What is Body dysmorphia?









Body dysmorphic disorder is a condition that individuals face when they start obsession about a part(s) of their body that is not to their liking. This is especially true for the fact that most people would see that body part or the thing the person is unhappy with as normal, whereas the person with the condition would see it as abnormal. It is also important to note that this condition may lead to negative behaviours or thought such as engaging in dangerous behaviour to get rid of or change the body part. This can also lead to psychological obsessions, which may influence their self-esteem in a negative way. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs.


Do you possibly experience?


Negative thoughts about yourself?
A certain area of your body that you are not satisfied with, even when most people do not notice it?
Do find yourself thinking or even obsessing about these view of yourself on a regular basis
What is Bullying?
 Bullying refers to the act of being harassed either physically or emotionally by a person or group of people. This can affect a person by making them feel belittled or cause a significant impact on their self-esteem. Bullying can be very dangerous for the victim as it can lead to physical injury or psychological implications, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD etc. Thus it is crucial to seek help if one is experiencing bullying or has undergone such circumstances to overcome past trauma and possible side effects. At Tranquility, we focus on adapting our treatment/therapy towards the client to cater to their needs.

     Do you possibly experience?

Do you find that you feel powerless when it comes to certain people?
 Do you find that someone or a group of people break you down or harass you in some way?
What is Depression?


Depression is a mood disorder that affects all areas of life, such as relationships, occupation, and other important areas of living. This condition may cause a person to become less interested in activities that use to excite them. Furthermore, it may also lead to a lack of concentration, motivation, energy and/or even sleep disturbances. It is, however, important to understand that this is a mental disorder that can be treated with medication, therapy or even both. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs.


Do you possibly experience?


Depressive moods nearly every day? 
Do you possibly find yourself not interested in activities you use to enjoy? 
Do you find that you might struggle with low energy and even lack of concentration?
What is an Eating disorder?

Eating disorders refer to  behaviours such as undereating, starving, or overeating in small time frames. However, this condition refers to several types of unhealthy eating patterns. Anorexia refers to a person engaging in starvation or unhealthy ways of losing weight even when already underweight. In comparison, Bulimia refers to a condition that a person engages in unhealthy ways of losing weight but may engage in overeating in small time frames or simply does not lose enough weight to fall in the anorexia category but still engages in unhealthy acts to lose weight. The last type of eating disorder is Binge eating disorder, which refers to overeating in small time frames without focusing on losing weight. It is, however, important to understand that this is a mental disorder that can be treated with medication, therapy or even both. Furthermore, it is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?

Do you struggle with your eating habits? 
Do you find yourself engaging in unhealthy eating styles such as under-eating or overeating? 
Do you engage in behaviour to try and lose weight in an unhealthy way?
What is a Family dynamic?


  Family dynamic refers to the relationship within the family and how they conduct themselves. In society, certain roles might be expected from certain individuals and conforming to them are assuming that it is the only way can be problematic. Parents are facing several difficulties with their children with new challenges such as technology and communication with their children. There are also economic difficulties that some families might face and may lead to some roles changing in the household. Thus adjusting certain roles and improving communication is key. Furthermore, It is important to note that this situation can be dealt with by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Conflicts within your family that can be seen as unhealthy? 
Do you struggle with communication within the family? 
Do you find at times that things do not get better within the family structure?
What is OCD?  


OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a condition that refers to a person having recurrent obsessive thoughts or urges. The person might try to ignore or even suppress them, but they cannot stop thinking about it. This also leads to the need to engage in repetitive acts or behaviours as a response to the thoughts or urges. In some cases, the individual might believe if they do not act upon these thoughts or urges, something bad might happen. 


Do you possibly experience?


Obsessive thoughts and persistent needs to engage in certain activities or behaviours? Do you possibly have a strict way or routine with certain activities? Do these acts or behaviours cause you stress or anxiety if they are not performed?
What is Grief? 


 Grief is an intense emotional experience that occurs when someone faces the loss of a person they felt close to. It causes a person to go through several different stages of emotional difficulties such as depression, denial, anger etc. It is important that the person does not isolate themselves with these emotions but rather seek help from friends and family. However, the most common behaviour is the tendency to isolate during this time. Furthermore, it is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Intense emotions after losing someone close to you? 
Do you feel overwhelmed by their loss?


What is LGBTQ+?


LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer and possibly other. Society has always established what is normal and what is abnormal; however, this can lead to several people feeling judged for who they truly are. Gender is a social construct, which means that it is not indefinite. Male and female are not the only genders, and people are becoming more aware of this. Allowing people to identify with how they view themselves is a right, and going through this process can be a difficult one. That’s why at Tranquility, we focus on providing the best help we can in assisting you with a transition or adapting to your gender.


Do you possibly experience?


Gender identity conflicts or confusion? Do you possibly feel that you don’t fall in the mainstream gender as society describes it? Or are you possibly experiencing difficulty with understanding your sexuality?
What are Panic attacks? 


Panic attacks are an anxiety disorder that affects several areas of a person’s life, such as social, occupational and other vital areas. It is marked but a number of physiological symptoms such as sweating, shaking, chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations etc. The fear of a future possible panic attack also impairs a person’s living as it remains a possibility at any possible time. This disorder can be treated with therapy, medication or both. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Recurrent and even unexpected panic attacks? 
An intense fear or discomfort? 
Symptoms like: sweating, shaking, chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations or similar feelings?
What is a Phobia?


Phobias are unreasonable or irrational fears of an object or situation. It almost always causes significant fear or anxiety in the person by being exposed to it. There are several different types of phobias such as specific type (such as a specific object or situation), animal type (such as snakes, spiders etc.), natural environment type (storms, heights, water etc.) or situational type (public transport, tunnels, elevators etc.) This type of fear can be treated with therapy, medication or both. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


A fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation even though it might not cause you or pose you any harm? 
Do you tend to avoid the object or situation? 
Does this situation or object almost always cause this fear or anxiety?

What is PTSD? 


Post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that develops as a result of trauma that an individual may have experienced from either direct experience, witnessing others, or learning of such trauma or details of it. This disorder affects several important areas of a person’s life, such as social, occupational and other vital areas. PTSD can be treated with therapy, medication or even both. Furthermore, it is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Uncontrollable thoughts of an event that may make you avoid situations that remind you of it or thoughts of it?


Does this possibly affect your thinking abilities? 

Are you possibly agitated or hyper-sensitive to your surroundings?

What are Relationships?


Relationships refer to the dynamic between two or more people on a regular basis. It is important to note that each person is different, and this can make things very difficult when being in each other lives as we think and act differently. This can lead to conflicts and disagreements, which can at times be very unhealthy. It is important that we learn how to deal with these disagreements or conflicts in a healthy manner. Many people find themselves helpless in trying to solve these conflicts in a healthy manner on their own and thus might need help from a professional. Furthermore, it is important to note that this situation can be dealt with by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Unhealthy behaviours or thoughts that occur in your relationship? 
Do you find yourself lost or confused as to how things might have gone wrong? 
Do you possibly need assistance with improving your relationship?
What is Social Anxiety disorder?  

Social anxiety refers to the fear of one or more situations that a person might be scrutinised by others. It also leads to them having a fear that is disproportionate to the situation itself and may lead to avoidance. This disorder affects a person’s life in several areas such as social, occupational etc. This disorder can be treated with therapy, medication or both. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Fear or anxiety about a social situation where you might feel judged? 
Does this situation almost always cause you fear or anxiety?
Do you tend to avoid these situations? 
Are you scared that this situation might cause you to act negatively and lead to others judging you for it?
What is Somatic symptom disorder and Illness anxiety?


 Somatic symptom and Illness anxiety refer to a condition people face when they are having thoughts of becoming sick when they have a symptom of an illness that might not be present. These types of people tend to overthink their body symptoms and, in some cases, might not even have a symptom and simply assume that they might have or obtain an illness. These thoughts can impact their lives by overthinking such symptoms or fear and may lead to several doctor appointments and seeking help. Furthermore, it can also impact them psychologically by have intense fears of having an illness. Furthermore, It is important to note that this condition can be treated by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Intense fears or anxiety about getting sick? 
Do you find yourself obsessing about symptoms?
What is Stress and burnout?


Stress is a psychological condition that causes emotional reactions due to a person seeing the situation as threatening to their well-being. Burnout, on the other hand, occurs when a person is physically and/or psychologically exhausted, which may lead to adopting a negative view of the situation or general events. Furthermore, it can also lead to a person starting to doubt their capabilities as a whole. Stress and burnout can have a severe negative effect on a person’s life, such as on their relationships, occupation etc. Furthermore, it is important to note that this situation can be dealt with by professionals such as at Tranquility. As we orientate our therapy or treatment to your specific needs. 


Do you possibly experience?


Physical and emotional exhaustion? 
Possibly feeling overwhelmed by stressors leading to doubting your capabilities?
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